Tuesday, September 16, 2014

First post! T-minus 30 days!!

Most of you don't know why I got certified to teach ESL. I was actually waiting to hear back from the Peace Corps and their application process is rather lengthly, and I ended up beginning a journey of a lifetime. It's funny how things tend to work out.
 I started my certification course almost a year ago, met some amazing people in my class, and learned so may things. After I finished my online grammar component requirement, I lagged a little bit, holding out for something. I don't know what it was, fear maybe. After life kept happening and difficult situations kept arising, and with the help and support if some amazing friends and family, I started applying to jobs overseas with the help of Oxford Seminars, my certification organization. Barely a week later, BOOM. Started getting job offers for Thailand, my first teaching choice. Flash forward two and a half, three months, and I am now a month to the day away from being on a plane on a journey I have worked so hard to get to. 
Moving day round 1: the count of bags to donate may have me going to the store to buy more trash bags.  So far, I have 11 bags of clothes, 3 bags of shoes, and all sorts of junk I've acquired from living in Portland for 7 years.  Even though moving and packing is beyond stressful, it is, in a way, extremely cleansing to get rid of unnecessary items and things I don't need. 
Here's to a new unknown, excitement, anxiety, EVERYTHING. I am so happy and scared, and I wouldn't trade this feeling for anything.