Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ayuthaya, Koh Tao, and Bangkok

Summer break can only mean one thing for teachers, time to travel, travel, travel. The school year came and went, these 4 months have flown by and being here has already changed me in more ways than I ever could have imagined. I love my students, all 520 of them, so much so that I'm teaching another term at the same school. Teaching these kids has been such a whirlwind experience that I will forever be grateful for. 
Finals came and went, grades were turned in (our pink grade books will forever haunt me), and teachers began to travel. March was for traveling around the tinest bit of Thailand, April will bring Vietnam adventures. 
I was lucky to have company on my adventures with such an incredible human being. Our first stop on our mini vacation was Ayuthaya, the old capital of Thailand, to see ancient wats, and honestly, there was this head in a tree which or may not have been the sole reason we went there. It was worth it.

Old Ayuthaya is fairly small so we were able to get around by water taxis, and ended up rented a motorbike for the day to see some of the temples. It was quite the shock to suddenly be surrounded by foreigners, tourists, and people who spoke English, quite different than Chaiyaphum.
The hostel I stayed at offered a temple tour, with water taxi transportation. I visited three temples, watched the sunset on the water, and got to start playing tourist- the best start to a much deserved vacation. 

One night and two days later, it was time to embark on yet another journey, a day of travelling to Koh Tao (which included the most uncomfortable night train and a 2 hour ferry ride), on of the islands, turtle island for Scuba diving (and certification). I've always loved the water, but add the ability to breath underwater at 18m and its like I'm a real life mermaid.  The certification course for open water lasted about 3 days, I took quizzes, a test, water skills... it was legit. I spent about a week there, being one with the ocean.  Once I went scuba diving, I knew I would never be able to look at snorkeling the same way again. There's so much more you can see at 18m that you can't see at the surface. I saw a sea turtle, which was probably the coolest thing ever, mostly cause I was breathing underwater and was so close to the fella, I could pet it.  Also, barracudas are epic. The makers of Finding Nemo were spot on. I'm already planning how much I need to save from teaching so I can plan my next Scuba trip to some place new. 

Koh Tao was beautiful and amazing, and I will forever remember my first diving experience, the amazing people I met, and how much I've missed being an island girl. But, it was time to go to Bangkok, which was actually my first time visiting there since I moved to Thailand. This time was different because I actually had time to see the tourist attractions: the Grand Palace, Reclining Buddha, MBK (mega mall in Bangkok).  First stop on playing tourist, after checking in to the hostel, eating, and a nap, of course, the Grand Palace and yes, it was pretty grand. 

 The Grand Palace is huge, and of course it was humid hot that day, but oh so worth it. Some areas were closed off in true palace fashion and these pictures don't even come close to doing the site justice. Visiting this place was probably my favorite thing I saw in Bangkok, truly amazing. 
The Reclining Buddha an Emerald Buddha was just insane. Reclining Buddha is ginormous (reclining) Buddha and it was quite breathtaking. 

I wasn't able to get a picture of the Emerald Buddha because pictures of him weren't allowed, which is completely understandable and normal for temples. the Emerald Buddha was this itty bitty, troll doll sized Buddha encased in a glass case surrounded by this huge gold and colorful stand. It was quite the sight to see.
Ayuthaya, Koh Tao, and Bangkok were lovely. As I write this on a bus back to Chaiyaphum, I am filled with all sorts of emotions. In May, school starts again, this time with many new teachers, a whole new set of children to teach, and a new chapter. My two best friends I made here are embarking on their own journeys, the amazing people I have met along the way are on their new adventures and I know each and everyone of them have made me grow. This life changing experience has been such an ineffable one and I can't wait to see what more I can learn. 

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