Sunday, October 26, 2014

Big Buddha

I saw Big Buddha, and he is quite big, enmorous, actually.  I was expecting to pay some Baht, but it was free to walk up these steep stairs and look at this amazing statue which overlooks the entire island of Koh Samui. There were a bunch of little tourist shops around the little town and it over looked the water. 

Big Buddha is pictured above while other Buddhas are below, surrounding him. According to Google Machine, "the Buddha statue depicts Buddha in a state of calm and purity and resolve, having overcome temptation and fear sent at him by Mara, Lord of Illusion. Known as the Mara posture, the left hand rests palm open and up in the statue's lap, the right hand facing down over the right knee, almost to the ground."

Big Buddha looks over the entire island, it was such an amazing view. There were bells surrounding the outskirts of the temple, in which people were allowed to ring with provided sticks. Below is the view I got to see of the island from the temple. Pictures don't do this any justice. 

When we stopped for a little cold treat, my friends and I could almost touch the water from the balcony we were on. 

On our way back to Chaweng Beach, the town we are staying in, we rode in the back of someone's truck for 200 Baht total for the 3 of us, $7 USD total, or $2.30 per person, so much cheaper than the taxi there, which cost us 300 Baht. It's super popular to ride in these trucks, and you just let them know when you want to get off- exactly like a taxi, yet more communal. 

 I had an idea of what I might expect, but actually being able to see it, is, in and of itself, breathtaking. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014


This morning we woke up, changed hostels, and went searching for some delicious breakfast.  The thing about Thailand is, there really isn't a specific "breakfast," it's just their normal food.  We ended up at an adorable little restaurant, and I got pineapple fried rice, served in a pineapple, so tropical! Meanwhile, I've been off coffee for a couple days so my caffeine withdrawal is beginning to kick in.

Today, we also went to Namuang Safari Park in Koh Samui to go elephant trekking.  When we got there, it was actually quite sad because they were all chained up.  This was most likely for safety reasons, but it was still sad nevertheless.  We took a 30 minute tour around the park with a tour and what an experience.  It was almost like a roller coaster ride, sitting on these majestic creatures, that are so strong yet delicate at the same time.  It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience.  At the end of the tour, we ended up at this beautiful waterfall.  Everything about this day was life changing.

Elephant Selfie!!

  We are all still waiting to find out what school we are going to be placed at, which won't happen until Tuesday, so we are playing tourists for the next couple days until we find out.  After we find out our school, which will all be in Nakhon Si Thammarat, we will be able to move into our housing accommodations beginning on November 1st.  I can't wait to finally start teaching, but all this relaxing is quite nice.  

Friday, October 24, 2014

The journey continues...

Breakfast in Bangkok is delicious. I got this at a stand for about a quarter. This is some sort of deep fried, coconut-tapioca magical. 
On our last night in Bangkok, after we presented our lesson plans to some education officials, a bunch of us headed out to Khao San Road for a night on the town. Much needed, and so much fun. 

Suda Palace in Bangkok where we stayed for orientation. It's much prettier on the outside, but it worked. My hotel room ended up flooding during one of the rainstorms along with a busted air conditioner, but that's the experience of a traveler. 
After Bangkok, we took a trip to Koh Samui, others are taking a trip up to Chang Mai for the lantern festival, where we will be for a couple days until we are placed in Nakhon Si Thammarat. 
Cue the 12 hour double decker party bus. But really, we slept most of the way. 

After our "short" commute, we hopped on a 6am ferry to Koh Samui where I saw the most beautiful sunrise, it was so incredibly breathtaking. 

After settling in to our hostel, a couple of us ventures out for the most important thing, food. 140 Baht, $4 for delicious curry and a coconut shake. I could really get used to this. 

We also wandered around town in search of beach access and I got to dip my toes in the magic that is the Indian Ocean. It completly reminded me of Mexico, white soft sand, breezy beach air, and people walking up and down the beach selling you crap you don't need. I bought sunglasses. Somehow I've already managed to loose 2 pairs. Oh well, it's cheap here. :)

Our plan tomorrow is elephant trekking. I'm so excited not only for the fact we get to play with such magical animals, but we are getting a good deal. :)

Monday, October 20, 2014


I'm in love with all the delicious food choices and fruit this amazing country has to offer. This morning for breakfast I finally got to gorge on my favorite fruit ever: papaya. Another typical breakfast of rice, pan fried noodles, instant coffee, and hella sweet orange juice, we continued with our seminar of learning about Thai history, culture, expectations, and brief lesson planning. 

Lunch consisted of the most amazing pass Thai I've ever had in my life. I also went back to get the same thing for dinner- it's that delicious. Don't judge me, I'm vegetarian.  20 Baht, 66 cents for amazing goodness. Yes please! :)

I also decided to treat my myself to a Nai Soo Bun, a buttery piece of heaven that included sweet raisins. It tasted similar to a mix of croissant and scone, but it wasn't heavy.

Predinner and delicious treat, I went and got an hour oil massage for 400 Baht, about $13, which is a little steep.  Tomorrow I'll most likely get a Thai massage, which should help with all the kinks and post plane soreness. 
After our massage, we got caught in a full on tropical thunderstorm, pouring sheets of rain. It brought back such old memories of Micronesia and childhood, I definitely took my time walking to the big C for dinner. My friend and I were dripping wet, but hey, still nice to escape the hot humidity, no complaints. 😊
Everytime I walk down a new road in Bangkok, I find something more to love about this place. I'm not even halfway through my first week, and I can already see myself being happy here for a while. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Welcome to Thailand!

After long flights, I have finally made it to Thailand! 

After arriving at the Bangkok airport at noon, I waited a couple hours for the Island TEFL pickup at 2 and we were in our way to the Sudapalace hotel. A brief orientation later, our group, consisting of about 75, began to wander around the area in small pairs. 7-11s are a huge franchise here, the place to get bottled water.  
Another girl an I wandered around in need of the infamous street food, I ended up getting vegetarian noodles for 25 baht, which ends up being a little less than a dollar, USD. 

Day 2 
Day 1 of the course of a 6 day stay. We briefly went over what we would e doing, pay, and expectations. Felt like I was in college again. After a few hours, we all went to one of the worlds largest street market, Chatuchak Market, just a few miles away. It reminded me so much of the street markets in Cambodia and Vietnam, except much larger. 

A group of 6 of us wandered around the market and I finally found what I've been looking for this entire time, Thai iced tea! I had 2. So much better than the in the states. 

All in all, I love Thailand even more than I thought I would. 
6 of us even went to C-mart, a Thai version of a Walmart, and bought a Thai phone for 490 baht, about $15 USD. It's a jFone which I found funny, even more so, we all got the same phone. 

Wifi is spotty in some areas, but now I have a Thai phone, it'll be a lot easier to stay in contact. 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

5 More Days!

With less than a week left until I leave for Thailand, I am definitely starting to get excited and nervous. The reality of it all is finally beginning to hit me. 
The past few weeks have flown by with so many activities, friends and family, and my marathon. I have such an amazing support group and I know I will do great things there because of you all.
I had my goodbye party a few weeks ago and was so blessed by all the love and positive energy from those who see celebrated with me. 

One of my most proud moments, besides leaving for Thailand, was the opportunity to successfully complete the Portland Marathon in 6:30. I never thought I'd be able to something as extraordinary as running 26.2 miles without injury or quitting, but it's amazing what you can do with sheer will. I found out my body can withstand anything, it's all in my head. I was lucky enough to  have my parents and best friends be there to cheer me on. Everyone deserves a moment where they feel completely badass. 

The last hoorah was being able to go to my final spin classes. Burncycle has such positive energy and brings in all sorts of inspirational and wonderful people. I'm so lucky to have found this place. 

I can't wait for my new adventure. There's nothing scarier and more exciting than following what was at first a twinkle in my eye. My dream is becoming my reality, and with that, I can do anything. 5 days until Thailand!! ✈️✈️