Monday, October 20, 2014


I'm in love with all the delicious food choices and fruit this amazing country has to offer. This morning for breakfast I finally got to gorge on my favorite fruit ever: papaya. Another typical breakfast of rice, pan fried noodles, instant coffee, and hella sweet orange juice, we continued with our seminar of learning about Thai history, culture, expectations, and brief lesson planning. 

Lunch consisted of the most amazing pass Thai I've ever had in my life. I also went back to get the same thing for dinner- it's that delicious. Don't judge me, I'm vegetarian.  20 Baht, 66 cents for amazing goodness. Yes please! :)

I also decided to treat my myself to a Nai Soo Bun, a buttery piece of heaven that included sweet raisins. It tasted similar to a mix of croissant and scone, but it wasn't heavy.

Predinner and delicious treat, I went and got an hour oil massage for 400 Baht, about $13, which is a little steep.  Tomorrow I'll most likely get a Thai massage, which should help with all the kinks and post plane soreness. 
After our massage, we got caught in a full on tropical thunderstorm, pouring sheets of rain. It brought back such old memories of Micronesia and childhood, I definitely took my time walking to the big C for dinner. My friend and I were dripping wet, but hey, still nice to escape the hot humidity, no complaints. 😊
Everytime I walk down a new road in Bangkok, I find something more to love about this place. I'm not even halfway through my first week, and I can already see myself being happy here for a while.