Sunday, October 19, 2014

Welcome to Thailand!

After long flights, I have finally made it to Thailand! 

After arriving at the Bangkok airport at noon, I waited a couple hours for the Island TEFL pickup at 2 and we were in our way to the Sudapalace hotel. A brief orientation later, our group, consisting of about 75, began to wander around the area in small pairs. 7-11s are a huge franchise here, the place to get bottled water.  
Another girl an I wandered around in need of the infamous street food, I ended up getting vegetarian noodles for 25 baht, which ends up being a little less than a dollar, USD. 

Day 2 
Day 1 of the course of a 6 day stay. We briefly went over what we would e doing, pay, and expectations. Felt like I was in college again. After a few hours, we all went to one of the worlds largest street market, Chatuchak Market, just a few miles away. It reminded me so much of the street markets in Cambodia and Vietnam, except much larger. 

A group of 6 of us wandered around the market and I finally found what I've been looking for this entire time, Thai iced tea! I had 2. So much better than the in the states. 

All in all, I love Thailand even more than I thought I would. 
6 of us even went to C-mart, a Thai version of a Walmart, and bought a Thai phone for 490 baht, about $15 USD. It's a jFone which I found funny, even more so, we all got the same phone. 

Wifi is spotty in some areas, but now I have a Thai phone, it'll be a lot easier to stay in contact. 

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