Sunday, October 26, 2014

Big Buddha

I saw Big Buddha, and he is quite big, enmorous, actually.  I was expecting to pay some Baht, but it was free to walk up these steep stairs and look at this amazing statue which overlooks the entire island of Koh Samui. There were a bunch of little tourist shops around the little town and it over looked the water. 

Big Buddha is pictured above while other Buddhas are below, surrounding him. According to Google Machine, "the Buddha statue depicts Buddha in a state of calm and purity and resolve, having overcome temptation and fear sent at him by Mara, Lord of Illusion. Known as the Mara posture, the left hand rests palm open and up in the statue's lap, the right hand facing down over the right knee, almost to the ground."

Big Buddha looks over the entire island, it was such an amazing view. There were bells surrounding the outskirts of the temple, in which people were allowed to ring with provided sticks. Below is the view I got to see of the island from the temple. Pictures don't do this any justice. 

When we stopped for a little cold treat, my friends and I could almost touch the water from the balcony we were on. 

On our way back to Chaweng Beach, the town we are staying in, we rode in the back of someone's truck for 200 Baht total for the 3 of us, $7 USD total, or $2.30 per person, so much cheaper than the taxi there, which cost us 300 Baht. It's super popular to ride in these trucks, and you just let them know when you want to get off- exactly like a taxi, yet more communal. 

 I had an idea of what I might expect, but actually being able to see it, is, in and of itself, breathtaking. 

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